Appuntamento a Modica Alta
Un altro appuntamento da non perdere a Modica Alta è ALTArte il Festival degli artisti di strada, che quest'anno si svolge nelle giornate del 15 e 16 giugno.

Quest'anno spettacoli su misura anche per i bambini ma ALTArte è davvero per tutti!
I percorsi vanno dalla piazzetta di Santa Teresa alla chiesa di San Giovanni, naturalmente abbracciano ogni angolo e durante la passeggiata si trovano anche posti dove degustare le specialità locali.
L' incarico e l'onore di "giocare" con le illustrazioni quest'anno mi ha visto coinvolta insieme agli organizzatori e mi sono davvero divertita a immaginare i giocolieri per le strade della mia città. Mi sono immersa nell'atmosfera festaiola mentre coloravo e mi auguro di aver trasmesso quest'atmosfera anche agli altri.
Non mi resta che invitare tutti a visitare Modica e, come si dice, "Venghino signori, venghino"... Modica Alta vi aspetta! Per maggiori informazioni su programma, percorsi e orari visitate la pagina Facebook, ALTArte - Modica festival e il sito
Another event not to be missed in Modica Alta is ALTArte, the Festival of street
artists which this year takes place during the weekend of the 15th and 16th of June.
ALTArte, thanks to its success of last year that draw thousands of spectators has become one of the most visited events; a festival that excites and adds value to enchanting Modica.
And so from 8 pm until late in the evening the city will be transformed into an enchanted place where performances of artists, acrobats and musicians captivates their audiences.
This year the festival offers also tailormade shows for children making ALTArte a festival for
The route entangles the streets of Modica; from the square of Santa Teresa to the church of San Giovanni, with great places where you can taste some local food.
The assignment of moulding together all this beauty into an image and the honour to "play" with the illustrations this year means a great deal to me and I really enjoyed imagining the jugglers on the streets of the city.
I dreamed too while I was drawing and I hope to transmit this to others too.
I would like to invite all of you to visit Modica and, as they say, "Venghino
signori, venghino" ... "Come on people, come on" Modica Alta is waiting for you!
For more information about the program, routes and schedules please visit the Facebook page, ALTArte - Modica festivals and the website
Another event not to be missed in Modica Alta is ALTArte, the Festival of street
artists which this year takes place during the weekend of the 15th and 16th of June.
ALTArte, thanks to its success of last year that draw thousands of spectators has become one of the most visited events; a festival that excites and adds value to enchanting Modica.
And so from 8 pm until late in the evening the city will be transformed into an enchanted place where performances of artists, acrobats and musicians captivates their audiences.
This year the festival offers also tailormade shows for children making ALTArte a festival for
The route entangles the streets of Modica; from the square of Santa Teresa to the church of San Giovanni, with great places where you can taste some local food.
The assignment of moulding together all this beauty into an image and the honour to "play" with the illustrations this year means a great deal to me and I really enjoyed imagining the jugglers on the streets of the city.
I dreamed too while I was drawing and I hope to transmit this to others too.
I would like to invite all of you to visit Modica and, as they say, "Venghino
signori, venghino" ... "Come on people, come on" Modica Alta is waiting for you!
For more information about the program, routes and schedules please visit the Facebook page, ALTArte - Modica festivals and the website