"Greetings from Wonderful Copenhagen"

Ib Antoni (1929-1973) era probabilmente l'artista danese commerciale più diffuso del suo tempo, nel corso della sua carriera di artista e designer ha creato circa 300 manifesti (ma anche tessuti, decorazioni per pareti, libri, lampade e spot televisivi) per aziende come Life Magazine, Macys, Neimann-Marcus, Victor Borge, Volvo, Unicef, Carlsberg e Tuborg.
In Danimarca era divenuto famoso soprattutto per le illustrazioni realizzate per il Ministero degli Affari Esteri che promuovevano appunto la Wonderful Copenhagen attraverso manifesti e cartoline, molto ricercate e vendute ancora oggi e costantemente ristampate grazie alla collaborazione fra la famiglia dell'artista e la Galleria Mikael Hauberg.
Molte delle sue opere sono diventate una rappresentazione della Danimarca e della sua cultura e affascinano ancora il pubblico di tutte le età. Ib Antoni aveva un dono speciale e speciale è stato lui per chi lo ha conosciuto, sempre di buon umore e pronto alle battute. Tuttavia i suoi punti di riferimento culturali non erano limitati solo alla Danimarca, aveva viaggiato molto in Germania, Svizzera, Italia, Francia e America (era membro della Society of Illustrators di New York) prima di finire la sua vita a soli 44 anni nel tragico incendio dell'Hotel Hafnia a Copenhagen.
Avremmo voluto vedere ancora per molto tempo i suoi colorati disegni e avremmo sorriso ancora volentieri per il loro delicato umorismo.
Ib Antoni was both as an artist and person very
As a poster artist, Ib Antoni was loved and known not only in Denmark, but also in large parts of countries abroad. His Ballet Girl, The Royal Guards, The Greenlander, The Chef and The Clown posters have delighted and amused countless people around the world. He had a knack for pulling out the appealing of the subject of his drawing, without superior irony, but with charm and humanity.
Ib Antoni made well over 300 posters in his 20-year career.
Ib Antoni was hired by well over 100 companies and organizations in Denmark and abroad. At www.ibantoni.dk you can find an overview of Ib Antonis many drawings done for the many customers. To name a few; Auto Salon (Belgium), Carlsberg, Cherry Heering (Sweden), Circus Schumann, Cote D'or (Belgium), Columbia Coffee, Danish Fashion Week, Danish Industry, Danish Agriculture, Danish Furniture Manufacturers Association, The Dutch Dairy Association (The Netherlands), DFDS Seaways, Dunlop (England), Esbjerg Fisheries and Maritime Museum Port of Esbjerg, Esso, FDB (United Danish Consumer Cooperatives ), Franco Suisse, International Industries Fair Brussels (Belgium), Jaffa Oranges, Copenhagen Tourist Association (Wonderful Copenhagen), La Métropole (Belgium), Lundbeck Medicine, Macy's, Neiman-Marcus (USA), Shell England/The Netherlands, Time Life Magazine (USA), Tuborg, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Unicef, Victor Borge, Volvo (Sweden).
As a poster artist, Ib Antoni was loved and known not only in Denmark, but also in large parts of countries abroad. His Ballet Girl, The Royal Guards, The Greenlander, The Chef and The Clown posters have delighted and amused countless people around the world. He had a knack for pulling out the appealing of the subject of his drawing, without superior irony, but with charm and humanity.
Ib Antoni made well over 300 posters in his 20-year career.
Ib Antoni was hired by well over 100 companies and organizations in Denmark and abroad. At www.ibantoni.dk you can find an overview of Ib Antonis many drawings done for the many customers. To name a few; Auto Salon (Belgium), Carlsberg, Cherry Heering (Sweden), Circus Schumann, Cote D'or (Belgium), Columbia Coffee, Danish Fashion Week, Danish Industry, Danish Agriculture, Danish Furniture Manufacturers Association, The Dutch Dairy Association (The Netherlands), DFDS Seaways, Dunlop (England), Esbjerg Fisheries and Maritime Museum Port of Esbjerg, Esso, FDB (United Danish Consumer Cooperatives ), Franco Suisse, International Industries Fair Brussels (Belgium), Jaffa Oranges, Copenhagen Tourist Association (Wonderful Copenhagen), La Métropole (Belgium), Lundbeck Medicine, Macy's, Neiman-Marcus (USA), Shell England/The Netherlands, Time Life Magazine (USA), Tuborg, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Unicef, Victor Borge, Volvo (Sweden).
More info in english: http://www.ibantoni.dk/ib-antoni-microsite-in-english.html